Poetry by Toshiya Sasaki
@ copyright 1996 Internet Photo Magazine of Japan
In my Web searchings I was very fortunate to happen upon the work of Mr. Toshiya Sasaki. I find a penetration and sincerety in his works. They fit in well with our desire to publish works that have directly, or in this case indirectly, a healing quality. Mr. Sasaki was born in Tokyo in 1963. He has an MA in Russian literature. The title of his thesis was: The works of Valdimir Nabokov. He worked in London for the Shaftsbery Society and is currently working for a financial magazine. He has authored two books of poetry: Town in the Rain 1987 Metamorphosis 1996 Originally we had a link to the site which carried Mr. Sasaki's poetry. However, around August, 1997 the site closed down. We present below pictures of how the original site looked with both the poetry and the pictures.
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