Elaine, USA
Email : elaine456j@juno.net
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While the spiritual side of medicine can only go so far, it is very important. The bond between between the physician and the patient can make or break the healing process.
Re: prayer in medicine blog
23 May, 2006 at 18:16:08
Jason, USA
Email : harmonj9988@yahoo.com
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A good report on saftey of nanotechnology is give at the following web site.
27 November, 2005 at 08:10:08
Alexander Mazziotti, M.D., Ph.D., USA
Email : doc@mdmazz.com
Home Page : http://www.mdmazz.com
I would guess about 1 in 40 would be the odds. So it would be unlikley on a given year but it could happen. Quoting the Science Times today " Some
experts like DR. Peter Palse of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in NY say A(H5N1) flu viruses are a false alarm. He notes serum collected
in 1992 from people in rural China indicated that millions of people there had antibodies to A(H5N1) strain." So it may not be this virus that
will lead to a pandemic. If he is correct then I would change my odds to closer to 1 in 100.
08 November, 2005 at 18:10:44
Karen, USA
Email : kalo1011@hotmail.com
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What do you think the actual probability is that this pandemic will occur in a given year?
08 November, 2005 at 14:12:48
Alexander Mazziotti MD,Ph.D.
Email : doc@mdmazz.com
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