Candles in the Wind





Candles in the past five years had become increasingly popular with sales jumping approximately 10 to 15 percent per year for the past five years. It is now a two billion dollar a year business. Sales growth in the area of scented candles has been even more rapid. However, on the negative side candles were blamed for nine-thousand nine-hundred and thirty fires in 1996, the last year of reported data. Also, there were one hundred and twenty-six civilian deaths due to candles in that year. These numbers represent an 82 percent increase since 1990. With the beginning of this new year a nine year old boy died from Louisiana died when a candle fell on the bed igniting the bed sheet. On New Year's Day in Oklahoma man was killed in a house fire that also apparently was started by a candle. The big problem appears to be that the candles remain unattended. Once you light that candle it is your responsibility to stay with the candle. Also be sure to check that your fire detectors are working properly and place one on each level of your home. Also if you do not already have a carbon monoxide detector then now is the time to purchase one and place it in the bedroom area. Be responsible and save a life!