Copyright 1997 William C. Burns, Jr.

Table of Contents

The Mechanics of Inner Healing

Vampire thoughts
frighting dreams
Brainware viruses

Clever little parasites
Running from the light
Of a deeper Healing

without killing
Secure only in the darkness
of Ignorance
They bide their time

The Cure?

Embrace the Sun
Swallow the Light
Hold the Heart to the Sun
Light flows through the rivers
of your veins

The Madness blisters,
flakes away
Only the True Soul remains

Copyright 1997 William C. Burns, Jr.
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The Heart is no Yardstick

The heart is no yardstick
It changes in dimension
by the second

The heart is no weathervane
It charts a different wind
that runs not the riverbed of Reason

Frog and prince...
Saint and fool...
The heart is only constant
in change

Copyright 1997 William C. Burns, Jr.

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The following are links to other sites which carry poetry of Mr. Burns.
Proteus Unit Dis-Engaged
Son of the Maple Tree
Nova Mythos

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